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Assessment Results

It’s Time for a Checkup!

Your responses show that your technology infrastructure might need some work. While this does mean there is work to be done, countless companies have been in this exact position and made amazing strides. Just by completing this assessment, you are setting your company apart from most. Your interest in asking these questions of yourself and your business shows that you want to improve—and you can!

Currently, it would appear that your technology is essentially operating as a cost center for your business. To speak directly about what it is you do well and what needs to improve, you would need to plan a consultation. However, there are a few things you can do today to make marked improvements. 

What are your KPIs surrounding your system’s health and efficiency? If you don’t have any, this is the time to create meaningful, measurable objectives around how you use data. Are you spending too much on servers? This one may seem counterintuitive, but companies like to throw money well beyond the mark they need in terms of server usage. What are your plans to support business growth and/or your peak workloads? If you work in a retail setting, you cannot kick back and assume everything will be just fine on Black Friday. Workload friction (i.e., traffic jams on your servers) and other inefficiencies in technology costs organizations millions of dollars per year. If you can mitigate even a fraction of that expense, you will have created a healthier system.

If you are interested in the metrics that the best companies use and the state of play in this sector today, take a look inside The End of Abundance in Tech.

If you are ready for a detailed look at the data at play within your specific system, here’s a resource you can use!

To work with an expert on creating the best system possible for your organization, reach out to Ben DeBow.

For the latest posts on healthy systems and the industry at large, follow Ben on social media  [link to preferred social channel]!