Technology Preparedness Takes on New Meaning in the Age of AI

Like everyone, I’ve spent the past few weeks in despair and disbelief over world events. While newscasters continue to question the failure of intelligence technology in the Middle East, it’s my job to question technology every day. While previously unimaginable advances in AI have led to a new technology world order thanks to ChatGPT and […]

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The Imperative of Measuring Workload Health to Improve Technology Efficiency

Did you know you could find out the yearly greenhouse gas emissions emitted by your car (on average)? The EPA has a formula for that. Simply put, it’s the gallons of gasoline consumed multiplied by the carbon dioxide per gallon of gasoline to determine the carbon dioxide emitted per vehicle per year. Why is this […]

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The Best Investment You Can Make In Your Technology’s Future

Rewriting a legacy mission-critical application, especially one that has been in service for over a decade, is undeniably one of the most challenging decisions a CIO or CTO can face. These systems often possess the capacity to handle current workloads and meet today’s business needs, leading to the question: why embark on a rewrite? The […]

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Beyond Data Hoarding: A Blueprint for Responsible Data Management

Many businesses adhere to the notion that retaining all data since inception is a prudent step, driven by the belief that the data might hold some unforeseen value in the future. This instinct to retain aligns with our proclivity to keep items in our closets just in case we might need them someday. While this […]

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4 Ways To Go Beyond ESG Practices For True Technology Sustainability

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices are designed to evaluate a company’s influence in those three areas. However, the swift progression of technological innovations and the growing necessity to generate and retain vast amounts of data daily is resulting in escalated demands on our limited technical resources. ESG practices are insufficient in fully tackling the sustainability hurdles […]

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How AI Can Enable Better Acceptance Criteria for Software Development

In the world of software development, acceptance criteria play a crucial role in ensuring that the end product meets the client’s expectations. Traditionally, these criteria, or test cases as they are called, are developed by project managers, product owners, or QA testers. However, this manual approach has its limitations – it can be time-consuming, inefficient, […]

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Will AI Chatbots Replace Software Developers for Coding?

The availability and capability of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to write software code and create applications dynamically from raw data has advanced significantly since the explosion of ChatGPT and other AI chatbots in recent months. This phenomenon brings up a lot of questions and challenges, but also opportunities for technology teams that leverage this asset correctly. […]

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